
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Seneca Creek State Park, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Why would I not sign up for a 10k trail run after a few months of no running and not very much trail anything? I cannot think of a single reason why not. Some might say it is type 2 fun, but type 2 fun means it is kind of miserable during the activity and […]

Burke Lake Park Trail, Fairfax Station, Virginia

Did you know that Virginia has 70 lakes and reservoirs but only two of them are natural? The Great Dismal Swamp (yes, that is real) is home to one, and Mountain Lake is the other. The Great Dismal Swamp and Mountain Lake are the exact kind of names we all know I adore. It will […]

Scott’s Run Nature Preserve, McLean, Virginia

I am going to write a blog. Or so I keep saying I will. I am just not in it to win it. I work, workout, try to remember to eat, sleep fitfully, then rinse and repeat. It is really cool. We have been here three weeks and everything is great except me. So, that […]

America’s Historic Triangle: Part 1 (Yorktown and The Presidents Heads, Virginia)

When I was married to the boys’ father, we lived on the east coast for quite a bit. Between the two of us, the military had us (not in this order) in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, and Connecticut. I think that was all of them. During the years we lived […]

Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, Clermont, Kentucky

Dear Gentle Reader, Just kidding, this is not Bridgerton. It is, however, the beginning of the end of (said in the voice of Morgan Freeman) The Great Migration from North Idaho to the mid-Atlantic. We paused in Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, and now Kentucky. Wyoming and Colorado (even though Colorado was different from the original […]

Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Day one of our move across the country taught us that my itinerary was more ambitious than Sam Dog and his anxiety would allow and that climbing the mountain passes with such a huge load was slow-going and stressful. According to my ambitious plan, day two was meant for us to go see another of […]

Rendezvous Park, Wilson, Wyoming

A family crosses the country with pets and belongings in a Suburban, encountering challenges like their anxious dog, mountainous terrain, and delays from government paperwork. They adjust plans and enjoy destinations like Rendezvous Park in Wyoming, home to the troll sculpture "Mama Mimi" by artist Thomas Dambo. Despite the setbacks, they experience memorable moments and have no regrets.

Englestead Canyon, Orderville, Utah

“Events do not cause emotions. Beliefs interact with events to cause emotions.” -JM Unconditional Positive Regard I told you a lot about my last trip to southern Utah with Waypoint Vets here. If you did not read it, you should. Their, or rather our, mission is incredibly important. We aim to keep veterans alive. We […]

Ladder Slot Canyon, near Kanab, Utah

A slot canyon is a narrow channel carved through sandstone by water over millions of years. What makes a canyon a slot canyon is that it is much deeper than it is wide. That’s what she said? Nah, maybe that was a miss. I have been having a lot of adventures in southern Utah. Utah […]