
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Bloganuary 13

Think back on your most memorable road trip.

This prompt set me behind on this writing challenge. I love road trips and have experienced countless adventures on the road. Minnesota, South Carolina, Georgia (twice), North Carolina, Alabama (twice), Kansas, Connecticut, New Jersey, DC, and Idaho are all places we have called home, so you can imagine all the driving involved exploring nearly all corners of the country. I have taken my kids on adventures everywhere between Plymouth Rock, Niagara Falls, Sanibel Island, northern Minnesota, and Seattle.

The road trip I settled on, though, was recent. I chose it because it was after all of that, it was after the boys became grown, it was after I got cancer. In 2022 I won a really special award called the Women’s Adventure Award. The award included an epic adventure in southern Utah, but I had only recently found out that the reason I had been so sick for so long was that I have a rare blood cancer. The following year, I won again! I really wanted to attend it this time. It was a little scary and it was my first time having apprehension about an adventure. It was also my first time leaving the direct care of my doctors and Barbarian Scientist since I had been told I had cancer. I am really happy I went, and I wrote about that road trip here:

Day 1: Walla Walla, Washington

Day 2: Boise, Idaho

Day 3: Farmington, Utah

Day 4: Kanab, Utah

Day 5 and 6: Kanab, Utah

Day 7: Las Vegas, NV

And then the drive home was a push through two solid days of winter storms. Even with that kind of ending, the entire trip was wonderful and a quality test of how to start pacing myself so I can still live life while fighting this disgusting disease. Everyone from that trip in reuniting in Kanab this winter, so stay tuned for how I manage that mischief!