
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Bloganuary 21

Write about your first name: its meaning, significance, etymology, etc.

I won’t be writing too much about this because I like my name to be kept off this page. If you do not know, etymology is the study of the history of words and IT IS FUN. For instance, the etymology of etymology is is from the Greek word etumologia. Etumologia means “the truth of a word” and obviously we know that “ology” means “the study of.” See? fun!

So, I have a name I have hated my entire life. I do not know the significance of it and if you ask me, I will say it is the result of having fucked up people as parents who, in addition to being wildly fucked up, were also really stupid. If you try to tell me my name is “Ssssooooo cute!” I will promptly reply by asking you why no one else has named their kid this name then. It is not that cute. And I kind of lied. There is a Real Housewife with a name very close to my own. I feel that only reinforces my point.

I did use the Google machine to look up the etymology of my name and although Google tried to help by changing the spelling of my name to pull up some results (because obviously the way my name is spelled must be a typo), the online etymology dictionary decided “dildo” was a good search engine answer. I agree. So, if you would like to know the origins of the word, you can find that here.

I have always wished my name is Rachel. The entomology of Rachel is “ew” and that makes me really happy. Okay, maybe not precisely “ew,” but don’t try to harsh my vibe.

Rachel: fem. proper name, biblical daughter of Laban and wife of Jacob, from Late Latin, from Greek Rhakhel, from Hebrew (Semitic) Rahel, literally “ewe” (compare Arabic rahil, Aramaic rahla, Akkadian lahru, a metathesized form).