
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Bloganuary 2

Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

I do play in my daily life – I think it is my favorite thing to do! “Playtime” looks different depending upon where I am. If I’m at work, I’m working with my boss on new adventures to connect with our community. This is my most recent event:

When I’m home, I’m frequently playing pranks on Barbarian Scientist, playing with our dogs and frogs (Lady Fraga and Frogalicious), or I’m planning another adventure. We also have a date competition, which I am winning. The date competition is exactly what it sounds like – one of us plans a date for the month and we try to make it epic. Some are more exciting than others. The best one we have had that I’ve planned was when I took him to the mountains to snowmobile to some hot springs. I think one of my favorites that he has planned was when we went hiking with some goats he rented. Most recently, I planned a date for us to spend time with some otters and sloths.

Other ways I like to “play” is running and dancing. Hiking is my ultimate version of playing, and I learned this last summer that hiking while using magic mushrooms makes it an even better experience.