
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Charleston, South Carolina, Chapter 2

NNPS Graduation, Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum The last time I was in Charleston, (here) Lolo was graduating the Navy Nuclear Power Training Command (NNPTC). The step following that graduation is called Navy Nuclear Power School (NNPS), or Prototype. That school is still in Charleston, and the students work on actual nuclear reactors for […]

Waypoint Vets, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Honor the Fallen by Living. Child abuse. Neglect. Racism. Rape. Homophobia. Financial insecurity. Homelessness. Spousal abuse. Religious trauma. Addiction. Human trafficking. War. Suicidal ideations and attempts. Cancer. Unimaginable despair and loneliness. I remember being a young soldier in one of my first college classes and being told that the military is made of individuals with […]

Charleston, South Carolina

South Carolina was where I began adulthood. When I turned 18 years old, I promptly enlisted in the US Army, and Fort Jackson, South Carolina, was my boot camp location. I attended boot camp at a time when there were still many male-only boot camps, which meant that Fort Jackson was considered a cushioned place […]