
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Dog Mountain and Spirit Falls, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area

Add professional fucking hill climber to my fucking resume, thanks. Especially if it gets me places called Dog Mountain with views of Mount Hood and Mount St. Helens, and there is a fancy 10 am summit cocktail.

Dog Mountain, in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, is approximately 6 miles with nearly 3,000′ elevation gain. It is a steep hill. If you are hiking it on a weekend or holiday, your first obstacle, though, is to get a permit that allows you to explore the trails. The hike up Dog Mountain Trail was beautiful, with some mossy forested areas before you hike in the open air along the edge of the big hill. We spent much time at the summit, sharing cocktails that Barbarian Scientist prepared. When we left the summit, many people shared beautiful views with us. We chose to descend the mountain on the Augspurger Mountain Trail to avoid what we anticipated would be a train of hikers climbing the mountain on the Dog Mountain Trial. Portions of this trail were also very steep, but we could have the isolation we wanted. We were the first ones to be parked at the trailhead, and when we left, the parking lot was full, with many cars waiting for people to leave.

We continued this day’s adventure just a few minutes from Dog Mountain, at Spirit Falls, near Underwood, Washington. There was no evident trailhead, just a small parking area on the side of the road. After a short walk through a forested area, the trail descended steeply on loose dirt and exposed tree roots. The trail was a difficult climb down and out. 800’ elevation gain in 0.4 miles. It was slippery. The most successful descents were performed by running fast, sliding, or using trek poles to slowly find stable spots from side to side to the bottom. It was hard work. And worth it. When we arrived, the waterfall roared, pouring bright turquoise water and brave kayakers into a magical pool surrounded by moss and ferns.

Spending time on dirt trails doesn’t solve everything. Growing new freckles beneath the sun doesn’t solve everything. A road trip doesn’t solve everything. Car karaoke might solve nothing. But it all helps me make it one more day and feel like I might be able to face the following day. Get outside. And keep going.

One Response

  1. […] couple of hours away from Dog Mountain and Spirit Falls is Silver Falls State Park (written here yesterday) is the home to the Trail of Ten Falls. Ten miles of trail to see ten waterfalls. It was […]

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