
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Leigh Lake, Libby, Montana

If a 1,200’ elevation gain in less than 1.5 miles sounds like a good time, I’ve got you. 

Leigh Lake Trail is a remote trail near Libby, Montana, in the Kootenai National Forest and Cabinet Mountains Wilderness that takes you on a swift climb up the mountains and along the Leigh Creek Waterfall. Although major trail improvements have been made since I hiked here in the summer of 2021, it required bouldering and climbing steep mountainsides at some points. I thought the technicalities made the hike more exciting, but my hiking companions strongly disagreed – especially after I told them a hiker fell and died on that trail less than a year prior. 

Following the waterfall up the mountainside
View from a portion of the waterfall where you can soak

Leigh Lake is hike 75 in 100 Hikes in the Inland Northwest, described this way: It is almost sinful that such a stunning area is so easy to reach. Leigh Lake is a spectacular alpine area accessible to virtually anyone who can negotiate a 20 percent incline grade for 1.5 miles. To help protect the fragile shores of the lake from admirers, the Forest Service has banned stock use and prohibits camping within 300 feet of the water. This leaves only bivouac sites suitable for sleeping, and they’re on rock benches above the lake to the north. Check with the Kootenai National Forest for updates and restrictions.

Trail view – you can see the waterfall between mountainsides

There are a lot of trails in the Libby area. Make a day of exploring – even if all you do is Leigh Lake and Kootenai Falls, you will have a great day!

The first view of Leigh Lake on the left side of the photo – snow lingers long on mountainsides