
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Revett Lake, Wallace, Idaho

Revett Lake, in the Lolo National Forest, near Wallace, Idaho (one of my favorite towns), is my go-to recommendation for new hikers and backpackers. It’s an easy and beautiful 90-minute drive from Coeur d’Alene, with an easy and beautiful trail to a big payoff.

It is hike 24 in 100 Hikes in the Inland Northwest, where it is described as: A short, easy hike to a clear mountain lake above an area that was heavily mined beginning in 1882 when gold was discovered in Prichard Creek. The hike is especially popular with beginning backpackers and families. Small brook trout can be caught in the lake and huckleberry begin to ripen here in late July…Passing in and out of trees and rocks, the trail finally gains the lip of the hanging valley where the lake lies in a bowl, nearly surrounded by steep slopes.

You will first arrive at a large paved parking lot. This is the trailhead for Blossom Lakes (I will write about Blossom Lakes tomorrow), but you can park here to add some distance to your Revett Lake hike. There is a bathroom where the dirt road begins to drive the short distance to the Revett Lake trailhead. Depending upon the growth of bushes, trees, and other traffic, your vehicle may be subject to “redneck pinstriping” on this road. When you get to the end, that’s the trailhead. Park along the edge. There are often rock fire rings from campers at the trailhead, so you have that option, too. 

Trail view
Trail (winding around the right side of the photo) view

The trail is a well-maintained path in and out of forest cover and over mountainside rock slides, with a little waterfall and epic views. When you reach the lake, you will find ample space to spread out for your day – fish, float the lake, hang a hammock, or throw down a campsite. When I went there last, it was a midweek adventure, so there were very few people and no children, which was perfect because I brought Barbarian Scientist with me for a naked adventure. I think only one other set of hikers saw us, but they kept their space – I’m certain that if I had come across naked adventurers, my response would have been the opposite of giving them space, but I’m sure Barbarian Scientist appreciated them! 

Naked Adventure Camp

Although I facilitated that adventure for no reason other than my entertainment, World Naked Hiking Day and Summer Solstice are on the same day this year, and I am inspired!