
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Badger Mountain and other hikes near Richland, Washington

Plan A: Backpack Weneha River Trail with Trailkat, near Enterprise, Oregon, with Washington Trails Association, and complete four trail work days.  Then, I got sick – because you cannot have cancer and freely expose yourself to others at an epic getaway with your friends without consequences.  Plan B: Camp near the river trail and day […]

Hiking for Freedom with Atlas Free

Freedom defined: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.  Hiking defined: the activity of going for long walks, especially in the country or woods. Human trafficking defined: the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in […]