
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Olympic Coast North: Shipwreck Coast, Olympic National Park, Washington

If walking on Legos for 20 miles sounds fun, I have the hike for you. I have never been angry while hiking until this adventure. Actually, that is not true. There have been a couple of times that Barbarian Scientist’s family did something so offensive that it caused anger, and we went angry hiking until […]

Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, Washington

Being one of the last temperate rainforests in the US, with over 3,000 miles of rivers, more than 600 miles of trails, 73 miles of coastline, 60 named glaciers, and over 12 feet of rain, the Olympic National Park (ONP) is a vibrant paradise.  I had reserved a spot with a women’s adventure group to […]