
Exploring the American Wilderness and Other Adventures

Creative chaos, new places, wild beauty, and spontaneous adventures

Mineral Point Trail, Sagle, Idaho

We will not forget any time soon how Barbarian Scientist and I learned early on how to share our time. I would go visit him for a weekend, and for him weekends were for staying up late, sleeping in, and completing chores. It was so painful for me. I believe weekends are for waking up […]

Fault Lake, Sandpoint, Idaho

Less than two hours from Coeur d’Alene is one of my favorite hikes. Okay, I usually say they’re all my favorite hikes. However, facing mortality has me asking a lot of questions. And trying to find the answers. One of my staples while torturing my friends is to ask what their final meal would be. […]

Harrison Lake, Boundary County, Idaho

I’m not rich, and I don’t always say the right things, but I can show you how to enjoy hard work and take you to beautiful places.  I met Barbarian Scientist in early 2019. We decided to be serious about one another, but having both had marriages and divorces in our past, a commitment required […]